iSW 25TE/L -1.5/32 DC Tubular Motor
It comes with the standard driving wheel (adaptor) and crown which are only suitable for 38mm or 45mm roller blind tubes. It's rated torque is 1.5 Nm and rated speed is 32 rpm, therefore for the 45mm tube, its lift capacity with standard adapters is around 6 kg. If you use the 480g/m2 roller blind fabric with the weight of the bottom rail being 1.5 kg, then the maximum size of the roller blind would be 3m(W)X3.2m(H) after deducting the weight of the bottom rail.
Meanwhile we have another large size of drive wheel adaptor and crown to choose other than 38mm and 45mm aluminium tube ,since this tubular motor has the capability to drive quite a large size of roller blinds, so for those who have the tube of roller blinds exceeding 38mm of diameter something like 44mm to 46mm of diameter ,please just send an enquiry form firstly include a drawing or photos and the accurate measurement of your existing tube and the size of your blind, we might be able to provide you the larger size of drive wheel adapter and crown to suit your retrofitting needs .But please note to contact us firstly before you purchase.
For those customer who are going to order new custom made roller blind and tubular motor together through us, we will supply you 45mm aluminium tube for your roller blind whatever how small of your blind, so we will supply you the tubular motor with 45mm drive wheel adaptor and crown respectively.
STANDARD THREE YEAR MANUFACTURER WARRANTY: The manufacturer warrants this product to be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal residential use and conditions, for the period of three (3) year for the original invoice date. Shipping and handling fees are to be paid for by the customer.
Rated Torque : 1.5 Nm
Rated Speed : 32 rpm
Motor tube Diameter : 25mm
Power input : 100~240V 50/60 Hz
Rated Power: 13 W
Rated Current: 0.15A
Degree of Protection : IP44
Maximum Number of Turns : Unlimit
Minimum width of the roller blinds: 470mm
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